"St. Demetrius of Thessaloniki", fabric, tempera, wood
Dimitar Petrov
/replicas of Eastern Orthodox icons/
On this page I present to you hand painted icon replicas on primed canvas laminated to wood. Quality materials were used for their production. For them I offer a certificate for their high value and authenticity.
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"St. Nicholas", fabric, tempera, wood
"St. Ivan Rilski", fabric, tempera, wood
"St. George", fabric, tempera, wood
"The Virgin and Child", fabric, tempera, wood
"St. Ivan Rilski", fabric, tempera, wood
"The Virgin and Child", fabric, tempera, wood
"The Blue Virgin", fabric, tempera, wood
"The Baptism of Christ", fabric, tempera, wood
"John the Baptist", fabric, tempera, wood
"St. Ivan Rilski", fabric, tempera, wood
"St. Stephen", fabric, tempera, wood
"The Mother of God - Doorkeeper", fabric, tempera, wood
"St. Nicholas", fabric, tempera, wood
"St. St. Constantine and Helena", fabric, tempera, wood
"Christ Pantocrator", fabric, tempera, wood
"St. George", fabric, tempera, wood
"Christ Pantocrator", fabric, tempera, wood
"St. Mina with sword", cloth, tempera, wood
"St. Ivan Rilski", fabric, tempera, wood
"St. Anna", fabric, tempera, wood
"The Virgin and Child", fabric, tempera, wood
"St. Kliment Ohridski", fabric, tempera, wood
"St. George", fabric, tempera, wood
"St. Demetrius of Thessaloniki", fabric, tempera, wood
"St. Mina with a cross 2", fabric, tempera, wood
"St. Mina with a cross", fabric, tempera, wood
"St. Mina - warrior", fabric, tempera, wood
"St. Stylian", fabric, tempera, wood
"Св. Вероника", плат, темпера, дърво
"St. St. Peter and Paul", fabric, tempera, wood
"St. George", fabric, tempera, wood